Donald Trump’s stooge Mike Pompeo just made a huge mess

Donald Trump likes to make a point of using the racist term “Chinese Virus” in reference to the coronavirus. Other prominent Trump-aligned Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, have described the virus using other xenophobic terms. Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a hardened criminal who is likely headed to prison after this is all over for his role in the Ukraine extortion scandal, just decided to make things even worse.

This year’s G7 summit will be held virtually, due to the worldwide coronavirus crisis. Even as the member nations work to put the event together, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is gumming up the works by insisting on referring to the coronavirus as the “Wuhan virus.” The Washington Post says that the G7 was unable to release a joint statement on the matter, specifically because of Pompeo’s racist meddling.

There is absolutely no above-board reason for this. The Trump regime is simply trying to sow racial division, as a way of distracting the public from Donald Trump’s dishonest and disastrous mishandling of this crisis.

On a side note, at one point Donald Trump wanted to hold this year’s G7 summit at his own Doral resort, which has since been shut down by the coronavirus crisis.

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