Mike Pence doesn’t stand a chance

There are reports that former Vice President Mike Pence is gearing up to launch a 2024 Presidential run. This isn’t confirmed, but it is being reported from multiple sources. It appears Pence has been deep in discussion with his people about this grave decision. I’d like to have been a fly on the wall during that discussion.

I hope he changes his mind — because he has no chance. Allow me to elaborate. Pence has, in his piddling way, attempted to stand up to Trump in the last few months. He’s done it as much as I imagine someone like Mike Pence CAN do it.

And it won’t be enough. Here is why: Maga will never vote for him. That’s a done deal. There is no going back. And yes, Pence has broken with Trump on a few issues. He’s been making nice with pretty speeches and reassuring words. That isn’t a surprise. One does catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar.

But Democrats won’t vote for Pence either. This has nothing to do with Trump. His views are in the minority. Pence is much too conservative to attract Democrats. So who is left? Well — there are some “Never Trump” Republicans. But there is a problem there too.

Pence has not COMPLETELY broken with Trump. He still touts all the non-existent accomplishments Trump pulled off. This type of talk will only alienate the never Trumpers who are sane enough to recognize Trump HAD no accomplishments.

Maybe a few loyal souls will stick with him. But there isn’t much a lion can do in the midst of flies. And the flies outnumber the lions here bigly. But Pence wants this badly. And he is in denial. He will stay that way even if denial flies right into his face.

I feel a little sorry for Pence. I would never vote for him, but he was so codependent in his dealings with Trump; he was used up and spit out and doesn’t even seem to know it.

Mike Pence reminds me of a pale and somewhat dazed ostrich. He should look to writing a book or doing something in his life independent of Trump and the GOP as it exists today. Alas, most politicians never learn, and Pence does not appear to be any different in that respect.

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