Michael Flynn’s end of days

The indictments are flowing, and everyone is particularly interested in Special Counsel Mueller’s big fish, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The defense and the prosecution in Flynn’s case recently asked Judge Sullivan to delay the sentencing date for Flynn, which sparked speculation on both sides of the aisle as to what this request really means for Flynn’s future and the future of Mueller’s investigation.

Although the request was made to delay the sentencing date, both sides did ask Judge Sullivan to allow preparations for sentencing to be started. In the federal system, preparations include launching an investigation into Flynn’s background to see how his life’s history will affect his sentence, and will also require officials in the US Probation office to prepare a report, which can take up to three months.

Pro-Flynn types tend to be naively optimistic about the circumstances regarding Flynn’s situation. By all accounts, Flynn does not appear to be the type who should engender trust and loyalty, hence the term “Flynn Facts.” Apparently, Flynn has an altered perception of reality, commonly referred to as lying. He also doesn’t mind jumping the fence at the first sign of a dollar bill. Despite this, and despite being a long-time Democrat, Flynn has supporters who love to speculate that he has been coerced by the FBI or that his statements have been altered by anti-Trump agents. They are ever hopeful that Flynn will do little to no jail time. Flynn could face up to five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000. However, considering his cooperation, the maximum sentence is unlikely to be applied.

Others, not so keen on Flippin’ Flynn’s particular brand of disloyalty, have concluded that the delay in setting a sentencing date most likely indicates that Flynn has useful information and is cooperating with the FBI, and that sentencing him right now would interfere with the investigation. However, Mueller must have made progress, or he and Flynn wouldn’t have requested that Judge Sullivan begin the preparation process for sentencing. Those involved in the case have until next week to convince Judge Sullivan to begin sentence preparation without setting a date for sentencing.

The moral of this story is that even if you are a registered Democrat, if the Republican Party offers you enough incentive, you can gladly switch sides. And if the Turkish government wants to buy you out as well, the more the merrier! To hell with scruples, this is the new American way, The Trump Way. Except Flynn is going to prison for it.

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