Michael Cohen’s testimony extended in Donald Trump’s grand jury indictment

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Multiple major news outlets are reporting that after Michael Cohen gave three hours of testimony on Monday, he’s coming back to give more testimony on Wednesday. Does this mean that Cohen’s testimony took longer than the DA was expecting? Was Cohen already slotted to testify across two different days? Once again we don’t know.

But if Cohen’s testimony is indeed concluding on Wednesday, then that should be the end of the case. Does that mean that the DA has the grand jury vote on indictment at the end of the day on Wednesday? Does it mean that Cohen is going to take up the entirety of Wednesday, and that the indictment vote will take place on Friday? No one outside of the DA’s office knows that answer for sure.

But what is clear is that we’re at the end of the indictment process now. We’re not near the end. We’re not at the beginning of the end. By all accounts this is the end. Trump has now predictably declined his invitation to testify. Barring some surprise final witness that no one knows about, Cohen’s testimony is the end of the case being presented. There is every reason to expect that Trump will be indicted this week. Feel free to predict the specific day if you’re feeling lucky.

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