Michael Cohen rips Donald Trump’s inept defense attorneys to pieces

Michael Cohen is just one of several witnesses from Trump world who have reportedly testified to the Manhattan grand jury that’s criminally indicting Donald Trump. But Trump and his legal team are now keying in on the narrative that the criminal charges won’t be valid because Cohen is supposedly an unreliable witness. Suffice it to say that Cohen isn’t taking it lying down.

In a remarkably cutting and typically profane rant, Cohen is now ripping Donald Trump’s attorneys to pieces:

Michael Cohen is correct. Donald Trump is being criminally indicted on felony charges and will stand trial – and he’ll be sent to prison if he’s convicted. The case against him is strong, the witnesses are numerous, and Trump needs serious criminal defense attorneys to help him craft some kind of reasonable doubt strategy.

Instead Trump has surrounded himself with defense attorneys who don’t appear to be interested in or capable of doing anything but going on television and hurling insults at people. That may be how things worked for him in Republican Party politics, but it’s certainly not how things work for anyone being put through the criminal justice system. Trump is in for a rude awakening once this indictment comes down. Trump is now in the fight of his life. Meanwhile Michael Cohen is now a bestselling author and has a new book out.

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