Michael Cohen just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

When Michael Cohen publicly testified to Congress last year about Donald Trump’s crimes, there weren’t any immediate benefits for Cohen, or any immediate consequences for Trump. Cohen ended up going to prison, and Trump remained in office. But now things have shifted dramatically for them both – and Cohen is dropping a new bomb.

Michael Cohen just tweeted that he’ll be starring in anti-Trump television ads airing this week, in partnership with a group called American Bridge. That right, even as Donald Trump is trying to make the case for himself at the Republican National Convention, Cohen will be on TV talking about the crimes that he and Trump have committed together.

Despite Trump’s best effort at keeping Michael Cohen in prison, he’s now out on house arrest, and he’s releasing a new tell-all book about the crimes that he and Trump committed together. Meanwhile, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced today that she has a long-running investigation into the Trump family’s crimes.

In particular, the Attorney General tweeted this: “Our investigation began after Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump’s annual financial statements inflated the values of his assets to obtain favorable terms for loans & insurance coverage, while also deflating the value of other assets to reduce real estate taxes.”

In other words, Michael Cohen’s evidence and testimony against Donald Trump really did set things in motion. Cohen is now out of prison, and if Trump loses the election, he’s very much headed to prison. Cohen’s book is available here.

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