Donald Trump launches into demented early morning meltdown after Michael Cohen raided by FBI

It took Donald Trump all afternoon and all night to finally figure out what he really wanted to say after the FBI raided the office and residence of his attorney Michael Cohen. It turns out Trump couldn’t come up with much in terms of coherence, but he did try to make up for it in capital letters and exclamation points. Trump launched into a deranged early morning meltdown this morning about the raid.

At 7:07am eastern time, Trump tweeted “Attorney–client privilege is dead!” Of course that’s not what happened here at all. A federal judge signed off on the search warrant under the belief that A) it would result in evidence that Trump and Cohen conspired to commit a crime together, and B) Cohen was likely to destroy the evidence if he had simply been subpoenaed. Someone forgot to tell Trump that attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply when you and your lawyer are criminal co-conspirators. It got worse.

A minute later, Trump posted this helpless tweet: “A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!” In other words, he’s just going to keep whining about how unfairly he’s supposedly being treated. The man is a career criminal who has gotten away with using his real estate properties as money laundering fronts for foreign and domestic criminals for decades. Then he ran for president and committed treason by conspiring with a foreign enemy nation to rig the election in his favor.

Now that Donald Trump has been caught, and he’s on the verge of facing real consequences for his crimes for the first time in his life, he’s resorting to whining like a baby. Trump loves being a bully, and true to form, he’s revealing himself to be a helpless coward now that he’s facing forces stronger than he is. Trump seems to think he can tweet the criminal investigation out of existence. Good luck with that. Donate to Palmer Report

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