Mehmet Oz is taking it on the chin

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We’re moving ever closer to the midterms. And one of the most interesting races is playing out in the state of Pennsylvania. We have a race to end all races! John Fetterman’s our candidate, and he’s just fantastic.

It certainly helps that Fetterman has a sense of humor because he is up against a walking punchline — Dr. Quack. Dr. Mehmet Oz is a quack –and he is a New Jersey dude, attempting to convince people that really he’s a Pennsylvania dude. Only that’s hard to do when “the dude” films a campaign commercial from his mansion in New Jersey.

And soon-to-be Senator Fetterman appears to be having a grand old time trolling Dr. Quack on social media. In fact — everyone seems to be enjoying that, including me. Rarely does a day pass without some mischievous tweet from Fetterman to Dr. Quack. It really is a sight to see, and Twitter seems to be enjoying it immensely as well.

What is truly pitiful is Oz is on Twitter all the time, trying desperately to look cool. Someone must not have told him the secret to being cool — if you TRY to be cool — you never will be. Simple as that.

But our eternally cool Fetterman seems to be acting as Dr. Quack’s conscience, and it really does give any political junkie something to look forward to every morning. Oz, meanwhile, keeps posting inconsequential tweets that are NOT cool and make little sense. And yet I kind of hope he keeps going because the responses are heavenly. Take this very funny example:

Dr. Quack: “Pennsylvanians demand leaders who will solve their problems in a meaningful way.”


“Does this mean you’re dropping out of the race?”

“How would you know? You don’t live here.”

“We do! That’s why we’re electing @JohnFetterman.”

“This better is the first post in a long thread about your resignation.”

“Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!”


“Speaking of contributions, here’s the link to make one to John Fetterman.”

As you can see from these responses, Dr. Quack’s campaign has gone to the birds. Fetterman, on the other hand, is poised to become Pennsylvania’s next Senator — so sign up to help him if you can!

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