Mark Meadows is reportedly pleading guilty as part of a DOJ immunity deal in which he gave up Donald Trump

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When multiple major news outlets reported yesterday that Mark Meadows had testified against Donald Trump to the DOJ grand jury, it wasn’t clear if this meant that Meadows had merely given the minimum testimony required under the law, or if he’d cut an actual immunity deal and given more broad testimony against Trump. Turns out it’s reportedly the latter.

Meadows is preparing to plead guilty to multiple charges as part of a limited immunity deal he secretly cut with the DOJ, according to breaking reporting from the Independent. Meadows testified to the grand jury as part of that deal. It’s still not being reported how long ago this happened.

Nor is it being spelled out precisely what’s “limited” about Meadows’ immunity. But given that he’s pleading guilty on several charges, and that these charges are presumably crimes that he and Trump committed together, it seems pretty clear that he gave up Trump pretty severely. By the way, this same reporting says that Trump could be indicted as soon as tomorrow.

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