Donald Trump’s stooge Marco Rubio just got destroyed

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One of Donald Trump’s few talents is that he’s able to identify bad people and make them even more corrupt on his behalf. That brings us to Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who has always been a highly unintelligent buffoon, but who has now morphed in an utterly deranged lunatic on Trump’s watch.

After Trump picked psychotic extremist whack job Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee, Trump’s apologists tried to insist that Democrats only oppose her because she’s Catholic. To that end, Marco Rubio posted this asinine tweet:

“Today the assault may be on Catholicism. But tomorrow, no religion will be safe from the same attacks. And then the message will be clear,if you want to serve in public office,especially on the highest court in the land,only those willing to hide or deny their faith need apply.”

It’s becoming clear that Donald Trump’s illiteracy is rubbing off on Marco Rubio, based on Rubio’s newfound inability to understand how commas work. But the important part here is that Rubio is completely full of crap. The current Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, is Catholic. President Obama’s Supreme Court pick Sonia Sotomayor is Catholic. This is insane.

Sure enough, Marco Rubio’s disgusting tweet was received so poorly, it ended up getting three times as many negative replies as it got likes. Rubio then tweeted a link hawking t-shirts that promote Amy Coney Barrett as if she were Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Rubio has devolved into one of most utterly deranged pieces of crap on the planet, and he must be voted out when he’s up for reelection.

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