Marco Rubio just gave something away

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Marco Rubio, a simpleton who’s so in over his head he makes other Republican Senators look smart and capable by comparison, found a way to set himself on fire yet again today. He released a lengthy and bizarre statement about Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in which he explained why he was voting against having witnesses testify. In the process he gave something away.

We’ll save you from having to read the entire thing, which is equal parts simplistic and incoherent. Instead, you really only need to focus on one sentence in particular, where Marco Rubio gave away what the entire Republican Senate is thinking right now:

Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office.

This is, of course, one of the dumbest things that has ever been said. But it’s not simply about how stupid Marco Rubio is. He’s actually giving away the strategy that Republican Senators are using. They have to acquit Trump, because they’re the bad guys, and that’s what bad guys do. But they also know that once they acquit him, more evidence against Trump is going to continue to come out. John Bolton will soon be on the TV talk show circuit to promote his book. Lev Parnas and others keep dumping more evidence out there.

In the coming weeks and months, Donald Trump is going to be even more thoroughly and loudly exposed as being guilty. The Republican Senators know they’re going to look even worse for having acquitted him. So they’re already laying the groundwork for arguing down the road that “Hey look, we said Trump’s actions were impeachable at the time.” That’s a pathetic argument, but it’s all they’ve got. The fact that they’re already putting it out there gives away that they expect to need it. They know this is about to get a whole lot uglier for Trump, and they’re bracing themselves for it.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.