Majorie Taylor Greene goes off the violent deep end

Marjorie Taylor Greene is out of control. Her rhetoric is flying about everywhere like ice particles, and her hate speech seems to grow more rotten with each passing day. Greene seemed to suggest that “Second Amendment rights” be used against Democrats in her latest diatribe. This was during an interview with Sebastian Gorka.

The woman is unmoored by rules, and now someone has finally had enough. Michigan Rep. Haley Stevens has reported Greene to the Capitol Police. She’s asked them to “address the dangerous threats.”

And Greene IS a dangerous threat. Greene is not a Congressperson. She is a primitive and out-of-control outlaw who might have made a convincing villain in an old-time western movie but just doesn’t cut it in Congress.

Stevens said this to the Police: “I am concerned about the mental health of my colleague from Georgia and would like @CapitolPolice to address her dangerous threats in my workplace.”

I am glad Stevens did this. Greene is not, in ANY way, shape, or form, suitable for Congress. She contributes nothing, regularly incites with her toxic tongue, and seems unable to think or contribute anything meaningful to Congress. The only thoughts she appears to have are what cuss word to screech out next.

So we will see what the Capitol Police decide to do. In the meantime, Greene has only herself to blame for her latest disastrous situation.

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