MAGA world begins eating its own

I don’t usually pay too much attention whenever people bring up the narrative of moderate Republicans vs. MAGA Republicans – because both groups are usually on the same page when it comes to terrible policies meant to actively destroy everything the Republicans touch. Privatizing Social Security, after all, wasn’t Donald Trump’s invention – the GOP has spent at least forty years working to destroy it but they’re usually careful not to mention it in their campaigns. Now, however, we’re seeing the Republicans in disarray narrative take another turn, as “conservative star” and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem took a direct shot at Ronna McDaniel, the current RNC chair.

This is an instance of MAGA v. MAGA, as McDaniel, despite being Mitt Romney’s niece, has regularly promoted the former guy and used his same lines of attack on Democrats – and Noem was one of his most fervent supporters in 2020. It’s also what losing looks like as Republicans by and large haven’t really done any thinking about their policies or really much of their messaging and they’re desperately searching for who to blame.

All of the terrible things Republicans are known for are never a deal breaker – but losing elections is. It’s hard to say who comes out on top in this – but there’s a chance that we could see even crazier leadership prevail at the RNC by 2024. Noem, in the typical Republican mindset, is trying to find someone else to blame but the policies themselves, which she doubled down on. Remember, however, as they try to pull themselves together over the next two years, that they’ll still be awful with or without power – that’s why we’ll always need to show up in droves and vote them out of office whenever possible, starting on Dec 6 in Georgia.

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