Herschel Walker just found a way to alienate a whole new group of voters

Listen up, young Americans. I’ve got some news for you. Herschel Walker does not want you to vote for him. It’s true! On Saturday, Walker made waves when he announced, “young Americans” have “no right to demand a better future” for themselves.

“Those who are dissatisfied with life in the US should leave.” This is real. It happened. Herschel Walker thinks young people who are not satisfied with America as it is should get out of the country.

Walker was speaking with investigator Christine Dolan who asked for his thoughts on generation Z. And as you can see, he gave them. Walker said that in today’s world, many take things for granted. He said many young people “have not earned the right to change America.”

“I’m not being tough,” he said. “I’m saying if you know a place better, you go there, but you’ll lose your citizenship here.” Well, that’s one way to keep people from voting for you; I will give him that. Is it possible dear readers, that Mr. Walker WANTS to lose?

He sure is doing anything within his power to make it happen. And I think we should grant him this wish. Now, I’m not saying we’re genies in bottles, but we do have the power to make this wish — if it is a wish — happen.

Not by leaving the country. By making sure, he loses. It sure doesn’t sound to ME like this is a guy who wants to win. Early voting has started. Georgia is reporting a high turnout so far. There are lines in some counties. We need to keep this going.

Unlike Walker, who enjoys the game of pretending, as his many aliases show, we know we’re human. But perhaps, until this special election is over, we can double as genies in bottles. Let’s do it. Let’s make magic happen and make sure Senator Raphael Warnock keeps his seat.

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