MAGA loons melt down as it goes wrong for them

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It has finally happened. It is the seismic event of 2023, the one we’ve waited for, the one where the ground tilts and opens up, giving itself over to the rumbling and wailing earthquake that surrounds it. It is the Maga earthquake of 2023.

“Boycott Colorado!” I must admit, dear readers, that I have derived much amusement from watching little Maga rats, scurrying about, helpless in their red-hot anger, useless in their futility to stop the Colorado Supreme Court from making its decision.

Now, to be clear — I agree with Bill Palmer and other Palmer Report writers that the Supreme Court probably won’t let this stand. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun — and lots of it — with this story. And one of those ways is owning the maggots. We did it, and we really were not even trying!

“I will never buy anything made in Colorado again!” This is from a particularly upset Maga. But I loved the response of one of the Libs that Maga has been trying, with zero success to “own.”

“Colorado is populated with well-educated, intelligent people who don’t give a shit where you choose to purchase your I love Trump’ stuff.” It IS an earthquake. Trust me, I was there. I saw it. Maga is piping-hot and the burn is not cooling down. They are RAGING.

“Trump needs to have a rally in Denver!” Right. “Liberal deep state!” Isn’t it INTERESTING, friends? Isn’t it INTERESTING that Maga screams: “STATES RIGHTS, STATES RIGHTS.” Then, when a state exercises those rights, and it is on something Maga disagrees with — they lose it.

“All presidential candidates on the republican side must withdraw from the Colorado ballot at once in support of Trump.” Yes, Magas, Chris Christie, and Pudding Fingers will really do that. Dream on.

So, in short — enjoy it while it lasts. Enjoy the squawks and the snorts and the screeches and the shrieks — of this most exquisite Maga earthquake. I wonder how bad it’ll be for them once Trump hears the words: “We, the Jury, find the defendant GUILTY.”

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