Donald Trump ruins the life of yet another of his loyalists

Donald Trump only seems to have one skill in life: identifying people he can manipulate, getting them to do his dirty work for him, keeping his own hands comparatively clean as they destroy themselves for his benefit, and then once they’re no longer of any use to him, moving on to a new set of pawns. Now it turns out Trump has done it yet again, this time to someone who had a long and successful career before crossing paths with Trump.

The weird part is that this time around, Donald Trump actually seemed to want to do right by his pawn, and that was what ended up destroying him. The reputation of Dr. Ronny Jackson was ruined the minute Trump coerced him into issuing a phony medical report which comically misstated his height and weight, and was probably faked from top to bottom. We always wondered how Trump managed to get him to do it. Trump ended up nominating him to run the VA, in what seemed like a rare instance of returning the favor. That move, of course, is what has destroyed Jackson entirely.

We’ll see how the timeline shapes up in terms of when Trump first learned about the allegations that Dr. Jackson was drunk on the job, and handing out drugs like candy, and harassing a woman in the middle of the night. But Trump’s usual pattern would be to learn about something like this, and use it to essentially blackmail someone like Jackson into doing his bidding. It would explain why a guy who’s been in such a high ranking military position for so many years was willing to do something so idiotic with that physical.

In any case, Ronny Jackson’s nomination is now DOA, and if even some of these allegations prove true, then his career in the military and the medical profession is probably DOA as well. In hindsight, Jackson’s life was ruined the minute he became one of Donald Trump’s loyalists. That’s been the case with so many of Trump’s other loyalists, and as Trump’s criminal scandals play out, it’ll end up being the case with everyone who has ever done an shady favor for him.

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