Looks like Donald Trump is about to get hit with even more bad news tomorrow

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Donald Trump has been getting hit with bad news all day. Kamala Harris has endorsed Joe Biden, putting the anti-Trump 2020 coalition further into focus. Ted Cruz has announced he’s self-isolating because he came into contact with someone who has since tested positive for coronavirus, poking holes in Trump’s stance that the virus is some kind of hoax. Now Trump may be looking at some more bad news in the morning.

Right now the Dow Futures are down more than a thousand points. If this number holds, it’ll mean the Dow Jones will open down by this same margin tomorrow. Of course the overnight numbers can and will change. But a thousand point-plus deficit will be difficult to overcome, and in fact could get even worse overnight.

Donald Trump has been hoping to use the last gasps of the roaring Obama economy as an argument for his re-election. His approval rating is already at an untenably low number even with the strong economy. If the stock market plunges again tomorrow, he’ll be left begging investors not to believe their eyes and ears when it comes to the coronavirus – and he’ll be left trying to explain how a Senator from his own party has been exposed to the virus if it’s all a hoax.

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