Looks like Donald Trump has broken the RNC already

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The Trump Presidential “campaign” does not appear to be getting off to a great start. As you know, Trump has no imminent rallies planned. This is likely due to his failing mental health. You can’t put a person like Trump in front of an audience and not expect massive verbal gaffes and humiliations.

So, at the time of this writing, Trump is a speck in the presidential race, literally campaigning from his basement, with no events on the horizon. However, the Trump campaign needs to catch up in other ways, one of which is in swing states.

President Biden is doing quite well. He has pulled ahead or is tied in most of these swing states. Trump is also losing. One of the reasons he might be losing is that he has no campaign staff. Shockingly, the Trump campaign has NO CAMPAIGN STAFF in the state of Michigan, a prime swing state.

The Michigan Republican Chairman has said, “We’ve got the Skeleton right now,” referring to the lack of a Trump presence in Michigan. The OTHER problem is that no money — NONE — has been given to Michigan Republicans to help hire more staff and keep operations going smoothly.

No campaign money. No campaign staff. No campaign? The Trump campaign has also been, neglecting the state of Georgia; The Georgia GOP Chairman says there is “no set time frame for the deployment of additional resources.”

In addition to ALL of this, it’s reported that the Trump campaign “has rolled back plans to add hundreds of staff.” It sounds like a real campaign you got going on there, Donnie-boy.

I uppose that campaigning does not seem the top priority for Trump at this time. After all, his first criminal trial starts soon, and he will need to be in court. So perhaps he just doesn’t care about campaign resources.

Or MAYBE he doesn’t KNOW what is happening because of his mental health. After all, you never know. Trump DOES tend to get stranded within the realms of his brain, NOT a happy and fun place to be.

Perhaps in his made-up world of make-believe, Trump thinks the campaign is doing great! Maybe he’ll announce they have one thousand campaign workers in Michigan instead of none. So as you can see, the Trump campaign started not with a bang, but with a sputter.

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