Lindsey Graham has idiotic profane meltdown after he doesn’t get his way

Lindsey Graham became a household name by being that moderate Republican senator who went from NeverTrumper to Donald Trump’s cartoonish lackey almost overnight – leading many to think that he was being blackmailed. It’s more likely that he just saw full Republican control and got the signal that the former guy was onboard with most of the stuff he wanted to do and he saw his window to act and help push it all through – which didn’t quite work. That’s something that he inadvertently proved on Friday when he went to cry to Politico about President Biden’s latest win on infrastructure.

Graham called the latest bipartisan agreement, in which President Biden and fellow Democrats get just about everything they asked for, “extortion” and then went on to claim Republicans didn’t know what they were signing – with the angry rebuke that they look like “fucking idiots” now. It seems like just an amusing story on the surface – as just the latest tantrum that Graham has thrown over the past three years and just a staple of his character, but it also gives something else away that’s important – the GOP has no backup plan and they know that the average voter can see this too, unlike when they claimed to have a better alternative to Obamacare that they never showed anyone for almost a decade, when it was revealed as being much worse.

This is how we know we’re winning – and it also shows how powerless the other side is, since Graham wasn’t a whole lot different even when the GOP had the trifecta of power. They’re the party of no, as they’ve always been, but now that image doesn’t look so good. Let’s grow our numbers in Congress in 2022 and keep them out of power.

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