Legal expert changes mind, now expects Merrick Garland’s DOJ will criminally indict Donald Trump

When it comes to Attorney General Merrick Garland, still waters run deep. It is often the ones who make the least noise who have the most to say. And in Garland’s case, the tide has begun to turn. More and more people are now saying Garland will prosecute Donald Trump.

One person who is saying that is Constitutional lawyer and expert Lawrence Tribe.Tribe was, at one point, highly skeptical. But it appears he has been convinced. Lawrence Tribe spoke to CNN’s Erin Burnett and indicated that yes, he did think Garland will charge Trump: “I do believe, though he’s doing it meticulously and not as quickly as some would like, that Merrick Garland will approve criminal charges against Trump.”

I believe this as well. Garland believes strongly in the rule of law, and he is a watchman of Justice. He is not likely to let Trump off the hook. But slow and meticulous are Garland’s middle names. Still waters do indeed run deep, and right now, the water levels are rising. Trump cannot run — and certainly cannot hide — from that thing we call justice.

There will always be certain people who are skeptics. And I understand the reasons for such skepticism. At the same time, I understand what a vast undertaking such an investigation is. It is, in fact, something that has never before in the history of our country been attempted. And as for Watergate — this makes Watergate look like the Brady bunch.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I don’t think so. As we watch — and wait — and listen to the murmurs of the still waters becoming not so still — it appears Justice — when it does arrive — will have quite a bit to say.

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