Lauren Boebert just completely humiliated herself

After a mass shooting involving an AR-15 style assault weapon took place in her home state of Colorado today, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert suddenly decided that she wanted to be the voice of reason and lecture other people about unity.
Boebert tweeted this: “My prayers are with the shoppers, employees, first responders & others affected by the shooting in Boulder. May God be with them. While we are still awaiting important information and details in this case, random public shootings & senseless acts of violence are never ok.”
Wait a minute. Really? This is the same Lauren Boebert who routinely poses in front of walls of guns, and routinely tweets violent imagery. This is the same Boebert who sided with the insurrectionists by trying to block certification of the election results. Yet now she wants to call for unity?
Here’s the kicker. Just forty minutes before her call for unity, Lauren Boebert tweeted that “Biden is back in the basement.” What kind of elected official talks like that? Oh right, one who’s openly divisive. Boebert has completely humiliated herself with this pair of tweets. She needs to resign.