Donald Trump launches into bizarre late night meltdown involving Russia

On Monday, Donald Trump did us all a favor by not having a late night Twitter meltdown for once. It used to be that he would start each day with an early morning rant, and then go quiet for the rest of the day unless things got particularly ugly for him. But over the past few weeks, as his criminal scandals have closed in on him, he’s begun ranting nearly every night. Tonight he delivered one of his most bizarre late night meltdowns to date.

Trump posted this surreal tweet tonight: “Report just out: “China hacked Hillary Clinton’s private Email Server.” Are they sure it wasn’t Russia (just kidding!)? What are the odds that the FBI and DOJ are right on top of this? Actually, a very big story. Much classified information!” There are several red flags here. For starters, he appears to have gotten this story from the Sean Hannity show on Fox News, which means of course that it’s not accurate. But it gets worse.

Since when does Trump kid around about these kinds of things? His late night rants are usually full of overflowing vitriol and rage. Now he’s joking about Russia having hacked Hillary Clinton? For the record, there is no known evidence that Hillary’s private email server was ever hacked by anyone, even as just about everyone else’s email got hacked during the 2016 election, thus vindicating Hillary for having used a private server.

In any case, it appears that after a night off, Donald Trump is now back to being so rattled that he’s up late tweeting garbage. Is he trying to distract us from a major Trump-Russia bombshell that he thinks is about to land, or is he just trying to distract himself from his own worsening prospects? Shortly after the Hillary-Russia-China meltdown, Trump began trying to take credit for the 2026 World Cup, which has nothing to do with him. He seems more obsessed than ever with listing off his imaginary accomplishments.

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