Donald Trump has bizarre late night response to Ron DeSantis racism scandal

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Earlier today, on the very first morning of the general election for Governor of Florida, the Donald Trump-endorsed Republican candidate promptly made a racist remark about his Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum. This set off a nationwide firestorm, underscoring yet again that Trump’s entire orbit steeped in blatant racism. Tonight Trump finally got around to addressing the controversy, sort of, in the most ridiculous way possible.

Right around 10:30pm eastern time tonight, Donald Trump decided to sell us on the idea that because Kayne West sort of likes him, he can’t possibly be a racist. Trump did this by posting a conveniently timed new Breitbart article which quotes Kanye saying a number of idiotic and dishonest things that just happen to benefit Trump. It’s not difficult to figure out what happened here.

Breitbart, a white supremacist propaganda site that’s deeply aligned with Trump, posted this article today to give Trump cover against the prevailing argument that he and Ron DeSantis are racist filth. Trump then tweeted a link to the article tonight, even though he hasn’t posted anything from Breitbart in as long as we can remember, as way of arguing that he’s not a racist.

Of course this was the twentieth tweet that Donald Trump posted today, as his full scale meltdown continues to escalate. Yesterday Trump ranted on Twitter about various unhinged topics for a stunning nineteen hours, making clear that he’s doing little else but tweeting these days. This comes after numerous people close to Trump have cut plea deals or immunity deals against him, or been found guilty in court, over the past week and a half.

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