Donald Trump descends into late night meltdown

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Maybe Donald Trump doesn’t think that today was such a good day for him after all. The day started with an opportunity for him to pick Anthony Kennedy’s replacement on the Supreme Court, and ended with the Democrats and the American public making a clear statement that they’ll move hell and high water to prevent him from putting anyone in the seat. As midnight approached, Trump was frazzled enough that he went berserk – on a different topic.

For reference, here’s the rant that Trump posted on Twitter just before midnight: “In recent days we have heard shameless attacks on our courageous law enforcement officers. Extremist Democrat politicians have called for the complete elimination of ICE. Leftwing Activists are trying to block ICE officers from doing their jobs and publicly posting their home addresses – putting these selfless public servants in harm’s way. These radical protesters want ANARCHY – but the only response they will find from our government is LAW AND ORDER!” To be clear, not one word of this is true.

Five days ago the Washington Post and other major news outlets confirmed that it was WikiLeaks that published the personal information of nine thousand ICE agents. WikiLeaks is the Kremlin-controlled cyberterrorist group that published Democratic Party emails during the election that had been stolen by Russian hackers. Trump’s tweet now raises an important question about why it happened.

It was never clear why WikiLeaks, which is closely aligned with the Donald Trump regime via several confirmed and alleged backchannels, chose to publish information that could be damaging to Trump’s beloved ICE agents. Did Trump have WikiLeaks leak this information about law enforcement agents on purpose, just so he could falsely blame the Democrats for it? ICE, which is playing a central role in Trump’s illegal kidnapping and caging of immigrant children, is indeed despised by Democrats and liberals. But these ICE agents were doxed by Trump’s own criminal allies – and now it looks like he was in on it.

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