The only guaranteed loser in this mess: Donald Trump

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The stakes are now higher and more dangerous than ever. This new Supreme Court vacancy has the potential to reverse every forward-thinking ruling that the court has made in the past fifty years. Conservative activist billionares and far-right ideological extremists will do everything they can to try to ensure that Donald Trump’s nominee gets confirmed. Mainstream Americans will do everything they can to stop it. Both sides see this as a must-win fight. No matter who wins, Trump loses. Allow me to explain.

Donald Trump’s various overlords, from the Russian President who’s blackmailing him to the American billionaires who bankrolled his campaign, each want something out of their investment. Vladimir Putin wanted sanctions eased against Russia. That hasn’t happened, as Trump has only been able to fend off Congress’ attempts at increasing the sanctions. As a consolation prize, Putin is at least getting chaos in the West. Trump’s political money men want the Supreme Court flipped, and they’ll either get it or they won’t.

But all of Trump’s puppet masters are perfectly willing to damage or sacrifice him in the process of trying to get what they want. Mainstream America is in the process of deciding today that they’re willing to shut down the country in order to stop Trump’s nominee from being confirmed. As the stakes continue to climb for all involved, Trump is the one who’s in a no-win situation. If Trump nominated a respected moderate like Merrick Garland, he’d go up in popularity. It might even stabilize his failing presidency.

So no matter how this Supreme Court battle goes, all we know is that one side is going to lose everything – and that side is going to take out its frustrations on Donald Trump. Either the billionaire backers will dump him in the hope that Mike Pence can do a better job of delivering, or mainstream Americans will take to the streets and shut the country down until the rest of the government has no choice but to oust him. The stakes are now so high that Trump’s fate will be decided by the outcome of his Supreme Court nomination – and he’ll lose either way.

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