Donald Trump seems to know something right now that we don’t

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Trying to interpret Donald Trump’s increasingly deranged rants can end up being a fool’s errand, because when a mentally deranged person like Trump begins ranting, sometimes it means something, and other times it’s just a random pile of frantic word vomit. But if there is one bit of insight that can be consistently gleaned from Trump’s rants, it’s that when they come late at night and they’re particularly voluminous, they tend to give away that he thinks something ugly is about to drop on his head.

This brings us to how Donald Trump spent his Monday night. At around 10pm eastern time, he began ranting… and ranting… and ranting. As of midnight, he had posted six lengthy tweets in all, including an attack on Obamacare, and an attack on the “crazed and incompetent” Mayor of San Juan, among other disgraceful absurdities.

Taken individually, none of Trump’s tweets told us anything new. But combined, they sure seemed to paint a picture of a guy who’s really worried about something big and imminent. It’s worth pointing out that Tuesday is the deadline that House Judiciary Committee has set for Trump’s Attorney General William Barr to hand over the Mueller report. No one expects Barr to comply voluntarily, and the Democrats have already scheduled a vote for Wednesday morning which will allow Chairman Jerry Nadler to send subpoenas flying en masse.

So the Trump-Barr coverup of the Mueller report is about to go rather south for Donald Trump, but as far as any of us know, nothing is set to happen tomorrow in that regard. Yet Trump sounds like a guy who thinks the sky is about to fall on his head. Does he know something we don’t, or is the overall mounting pressure simply getting to him?

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