Donald Trump’s lawyers turn against Kelly Loeffler as their conspiracy theories spiral out of control

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Donald Trump’s lawyers are now claiming that Bernie Sanders and Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp conspired together to rig the election against Trump. If there are two people on earth who are least likely to conspire with each other, it’s Bernie Sanders and Brian Kemp. But it gets even worse.

Trump’s lawyers are now arguing that Brian Kemp also rigged Georgia’s Republican primary race in such a way that caused Kelly Loeffler, and not Trump stooge Doug Collins, to win the Republican nomination. It isn’t necessarily surprising that Team Trump would claim this, as Collins was always a Trump person, and Loeffer never was. But at this point Trump is undermining Loeffler pretty badly in her Senate runoff race. If Trump convinces Republican voters that Loeffler isn’t legitimate to begin with, they may be less likely to turn out and vote for her.

If Trump keeps this up, he could prompt Mitch McConnell to selfishly conclude that the Republicans’ best shot at winning the Georgia runoffs is to push Trump off the stage. It’s not a given that this will happen, but we all know that McConnell cares more about retaining Senate control than he does about propping up Trump’s dying fantasies. Trump is playing with fire here.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer