Just SIX DAYS until everything hits the fan

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I’ve written a lot about Donald Trump over the past couple weeks because the various criminal investigations targeting him are all coming up on the verge of indictment, and, well, this is what we’ve all been waiting for. But I’ve got to tell you, there’s something else more important going on in politics this week, because while prosecuting Trump is all about making the past right, this story is all about the present and the future.

I’m talking about next week’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election. This election will have an immediate impact on the basic rights of people in Wisconsin, including everything from women’s health care rights to gun reform. But it’s far bigger than that, because it’ll have direct implications on 2024.

Even with the criminal justice system working to dismantle Donald Trump before the 2024 election cycle even gets going, the cold hard reality is that someone will be the 2024 Republican nominee for President โ€“ and you can just about guarantee two things. First, that nominee will be awful, as always. Second, the Republican Party will use every corrupt tactic in the book to try to tilt the 2024 elation in favor of that nominee, as always.

That’s why this Wisconsin Supreme Court election is so crucial. It’s for the swing seat that’ll decide which voter suppression tactics the Republicans are allowed to use in Wisconsin in 2024, and which votes will actually count once they’ve been cast. If the far right conservative candidate wins this race next week, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will put its thumb on the scale so severely that Biden may end up having to win Wisconsin by three or four points in 2024 just to “win” it at all.

On the other hand, if the Democratic Party-backed liberal candidate wins next week’s race, it’ll clear the way for everyone to be allowed to vote in 2024 who’s supposed to be allowed to vote, for every vote to be counted the way it’s supposed to be counted, and for the legitimate winner of the state to be named the winner.

This Wisconsin Supreme Court election is in just six days. Given that Wisconsin is a swing state, the result will likely be close. Given that so few people tend to turn out for an election in April of an odd numbered year, even a very small amount of effort on your part can make a big difference. This is the kind of super low turnout election that could easily come down to, say, a hundred votes. It truly doesn’t take much to make this kind of election go the other way.

So I’m asking you โ€“ pleading with you in fact โ€“ to make a small effort to help the Democratic Party of Wisconsin win this race. You can donate five bucks here, or you can sign up online to do one shift of online phone banking here. You can do this from wherever you are in the country. If you don’t have time, give money. If you don’t have money, give your time. If you don’t have either, then post the above two links on your social media pages, so that your followers with time and money will see it and act on it. This election in six days is HUGE and it’s all hands on deck. Let’s go win this one.

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