Just how much of a mess has Rudy Giuliani made?

– How many Republican state legislators has Rudy Giuliani given coronavirus to this week? He held quasi-hearings with legislators and officials in multiple states, all in close quarters, with few masks. If Rudy has had the virus more than a day or two, he’s likely caused outbreaks across the nation.
– I’m not going to root for anyone to die of this awful virus. But Rudy has been out there committing treason against the United States, during a pandemic, without a mask. Of course he caught it. It was a matter of time.
– I thought there was something to the fact that the normally motormouth Giuliani went quiet on Twitter nearly forty-eight hours ago, and now it’s Donald Trump who’s announcing that Rudy has coronavirus. Why didn’t Rudy announce it himself? Why did he step away from Twitter altogether? Sure enough, ABC News now says Giuliani has been hospitalized.