Donald Trump just caved

Donald Trump sat out the stimulus relief package negotiations entirely, preferring to tweet election conspiracy theories instead. After the Republicans forced the Democrats to swallow a mere $600 stimulus package, Trump tweeted that it wasn’t good enough, and that he wanted $2,000 relief checks instead. Then he did nothing to make it happen.

Along the way, Trump tweeted that he wanted unspecified “pork” cut from the bill, and that he wanted an anti-Twitter provision added to the bill. No one from either party took him seriously on any of his toothless demands, so tonight he finally caved and signed the bill into law. In other words, the delay and all that drama were for nothing.

Now the Democratic House will reconvene and pass an amendment to increase the relief checks to $2,000, and we’ll see what kind of pressure this places on Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate to also pass the amendment.

But at this point it couldn’t be much more clear just how toothless and irrelevant Donald Trump has become. He’s just a guy spitefully gumming up the works on a temporary basis, only to realize that no one cares about him anymore, before ultimately caving.

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