Judge Engoron just slammed the door on Donald Trump

Now that Judge Arthur Engoron has delivered a devastating $355 million verdict (plus accumulating interest) against Donald Trump, what happens next? Trump has a brief window to file whatever he’s going to file in response – and one of those attempts has failed already.

Trump filed for a stay of the verdict, but Engoron replied today by saying that Trump “failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay.” So that’s that. Keep in mind that this kind of filing and response doesn’t actually delay anything. There are built in time periods for these kinds of things.

Trump is now in his thirty day window to file an appeal. He claims he’ll do that. But he’d have to put up a bond roughly the size of the verdict itself, and no one thinks Trump has that kind of cash or liquidity.

New York Attorney General Letitia James stated this week that she intends to seek asset seizures against Donald Trump in order to cover the verdict. Keep in mind that even if Trump manages to tie up the asset seizure process in court, he likely wouldn’t have access to his assets during that process either. Trump is truly in a no-win situation.

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