Donald Trump Jr’s telling reaction to the discovery of his second Trump Tower treason meeting

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Yesterday we learned that Donald Trump Jr had not one but two secret Trump Tower meetings with representatives of foreign governments in an attempt at manipulating the outcome of the election. We’ve already long known about Junior’s meeting with representatives of the Russian government. Now it turns out he also met with reps from two Middle Eastern nations for the same purpose in the same time frame. Junior’s initial reaction to the revelation is rather telling.

Here’s what Donald Trump Jr has tweeted about since the news broke about his second treason meeting: China. The military. His brother. In other words, Junior has been active on Twitter since the news landed. But he hasn’t said a thing about this story. He’s usually quick to jump on Twitter and deny these things, if he thinks he can get away with denying them. Instead he’s stone cold silent about it, which tells us something.

First, it basically tells us that the meeting did in fact happen. This story has quickly been reported widely, and if it were untrue, he could easily have shot it down on Twitter instead of spending his time tweeting about Eric. Second, it tells us that Junior is worried about the legal implications of the meeting, and he’s worried about making his legal prospects even worse by speaking publicly about it. He’s afraid to say “No it didn’t happen” or “Yeah it happened, so what?”

Again, Donald Trump Jr is the guy who quickly shoots down nearly every negative thing that’s reported about him or his family by the mainstream media. But this one, he’s afraid to touch. Part of his fear may come from the fact that his meeting was set up by George Nader, who became a cooperating witness for Special Counsel Robert Mueller a few months ago. In other words, Mueller already knows what happened.

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