Donald Trump Jr goes berserk as it all goes wrong for him

When legendary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, some observers predicted that it would somehow be good news for Donald Trump and the Republicans. At the time, Palmer Report pointed out that there was no basis for this at all – and that if our side came out strong over the weekend, the whole balance of power could actually tilt in our favor.

So far this weekend you’ve all collectively donated more than $100 million to Democratic candidates, and based on your social media reactions, it appears we’re up for a fight. This comes even as Nancy Pelosi is refusing to rule out impeaching Trump again in order to derail the Senate confirmation process, and prominent Democrats in the House and Senate are vowing to expand the Supreme Court if necessary.

It appears Donald Trump Jr has figured out that it’s all going wrong for him and his side. He tweeted this today: “It’s clear that If Biden wins the WH, Dems will immediately move to pack the courts to increase their political power. As part of their power-grab, Dems will undoubtedly move to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Don’t let these leftwing radicals get away with it, vote Trump!!!”

It’s particularly rich listening to someone in the Trump family lecturing the rest of us about a political power grab, considering the criminal steps that Donald Trump has taken to try to corruptly seize power. And of course no one is trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. But Trump Junior is correct in the sense that we’re not taking any more of this crap.

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