Donald Trump suddenly has a huge $100 million problem

When something shocking happens like the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the political fallout can be complex and unpredictable. But in general, the side that’s the most motivated by it tends to end up in the strongest position. By all accounts, RBG’s passing has motivated the Resistance in unprecedented fashion.

Democratic Party fundraising group ActBlue posted this tweet tonight: “Small-dollar donors have now given $100 million on ActBlue since 8 p.m. ET Friday, investing in candidates up and down the ballot and orgs on the front lines of the impending judicial confirmation fight. The grassroots is ready to fight to honor Justice Ginsburg’s legacy.”

This $100 million haul is in addition to the various other methods of donating to Democratic Party candidates. If this outpouring of donations is indicative of just how fiercely the Resistance is willing to continue fighting over these next six weeks, let’s just say that things are looking good.

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