Joy Reid DESTROYS Donald Trump for his deranged return to the White House

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Donald Trump decided to check out of Walter Reed this evening while still sick with coronavirus, drugged out of his mind, and still highly contagious. He happened to step off the helicopter and enter the White House just as Joy Reid was beginning her show on MSNBC tonight, and she promptly took a blowtorch to him.

Joy Reid slammed Trump for putting Secret Service agents at risk during the flight, and for taking his mask off as he entered the White House, spreading coronavirus everywhere. When Trump stood there without his mask to film a promotional video, Reid called it his “Mussolini moment.” She pointed out that many of the people working in the White House, who are now being exposed to the virus by Trump, are nonpolitical low income employees.

We still believe Donald Trump made the decision to risk his life by leaving the hospital early because he’s afraid that if he doesn’t immediately find a way to regain control of his failing campaign, he’ll lose the election and go to prison. Regardless of why Trump is doing any of this, it’s homicidally deranged on his part. He may drop dead in week or two, but he seems intent on killing as many people as possible first.

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