How Rep. Jim Jordan’s sex abuse scandal impacts Trump-Russia

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Republican Congressman Jim Jordan has been accused of having covered up, and thus prolonged, a sex abuse scandal while he was the wrestling coach at Ohio State University; he denies having known about the abuse. This is a disturbing development which requires urgent discussions about how to stop sex abuse crimes from happening, and those discussions are playing out across social media today as we speak. This article will focus strictly on the siginficant political impact that the Jim Jordan scandal will have on the Trump-Russia scandal.

We have yet to see whether the GOP will try to rally around Jim Jordan and protect him, or whether the party will force him to resign for fear of the impact his sex abuse scandal could have on the entire party in the November election. That decision may ultimately depend on how much public outrage there is over the next few days. The House GOP has done nothing of late to suggest that it’ll do the right thing for moral reasons, but it could dump Jordan for selfish reasons.

Just days ago, we were reminded of the key role that Jim Jordan has been playing in trying to sabotage the investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. Jordan leads the committee that hauled in Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last week, trying and failing to trip up Rosenstein for Trump’s benefit. If Jordan resigns, Trump loses a key co-conspirator in his coverup. If Jordan tries to remain on the job, it’s difficult to imagine that he could continue acting as a public face of Trump’s defense.

As far as the November elections, the GOP will either have a sex abuse scandal plagued Jim Jordan running a crippled reelection campaign, or a last minute replacement candidate who could be severely hampered by the late timing. Democratic candidate Janet Garrett has been mounting an upstart campaign against Jordan, and these latest developments certainly boost her odds of winning.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report