The real reason Alan Dershowitz is flipping out about Donald Trump

Ever since Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz began speaking out in defense of Donald Trump, his life seems to have taken a negative turn. As a frequent guest on multiple Fox News programs, Dershowitz has attempted to deny any wrongdoing by Trump or his campaign, despite a multitude of indictments already brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Now Dershowitz appears to, at least partially, regret some of those statements. In a recent op-ed article in The Hill, Dershowitz laments that his prior friends on Martha’s Vineyard are giving him the cold shoulder and “shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life” due to his constant support of Trump, despite claiming “I am not a Trump supporter.”

This loss of friends seems to be just the beginning of Dershowitz’s recent problems. This past January, Dershowitz penned a separate opinion piece for The Hill titled “Why is Qatar being blockaded and isolated?” in which he describes his recent trip to Qatar which was paid for by the Emir. Dershowitz mentions an Israeli tennis player participating in a tournament in Qatar and states that he “had hoped to attend the match and cheer him on.” He goes on to say that he was surprised to see how Qatar welcomed Israeli athletes before segueing to Qatar hosting the 2022 World Cup.

As Palmer Report previously documented, a top Trump fundraiser, Elliot Broidy is currently suing the Qatari government for an alleged “hostile intelligence operation” where Broidy’s hacked emails were shared with multiple media outlets. Along with Trump and Sean Hannity, Broidy is the third client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime former personal attorney / fixer, whom Broidy utilized to make a $1.6 million payoff to Playboy bunny Shera Bechard. It is now being reported that Broidy is halting the payments to Bechard, claiming she violated the NDA.

Based on recent court documents it now appears that Dershowitz was flown to Qatar for more than just a tennis match. One court filing shows that Qatar’s lawyer Mitchell Kamin admitted to funneling cash with the purpose of “secret disbursement to right-wing American Jewish groups in course of the Emirate’s diplomatic efforts to sway their foes,”. A total of $3 million was sent by Qatar for the purpose, as stated by the Jewish Voice, “to funnel payments from the Qataris to select American Jewish leaders, who would then visit Qatar and help improve the regime’s image.”.

With all of these separate stories converging together, things certainly are not going well for Alan Dershowitz. It appears he was one of the “select American Jewish leaders” chosen to advance Qatari interests. These recent discoveries were only made public in “a desperate bid to shield communications with their cutouts from discovery in open court” because of the lawsuit by Broidy. As is often the case, it seems that everything comes back to Trump, and not in a good way for him.

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