Jim Jordan gets swamped

This documentary will “give the courageous men who were abused a powerful and clear voice.” These words were spoken by Eva Orner, the director of the untitled film about alleged victims of Ohio State University doctor Richard Strauss.

It will tell the tales of the victims — give them a voice — and tell of the school officials who knew all about the abuse — and ignored it. And there is, of course, a member of Congress who will not be happy to see said film come out. And that is the King of the swamp himself, Gym Jordan.

There is no date yet, friends and readers, on when it will air. But it WILL air. Orner’s the director and she won an Oscar for “Taxi to the dark side.” The film’s in good hands. However, the American people are NOT in good hands with Jordan, who personifies EVERYTHING that’s wrong with DC politics.

Gym is a walking (sometimes talking), always screaming swamp creature. He is who should be drained when those words “drain the swamp come up.” Gym has not one accomplishment of any Merritt — none. And now, yet another of his fake hearings has become utterly chaotic.

The committee on the weaponization of the federal government had a hearing on “alleged abuses” in the FBI. The only problem (well, not the only one, but a big one) is Jordan refused to hand over transcripts of witness statements to the Democrats — who have a right to see them.

“You’re not getting the testimony,” Gym snarled. He also refused to say if he’d EVER give the transcripts to democrats, leaving the legitimacy of the hearing in strong doubt. And the “Whistleblowers” have already been determined not to be actual whistleblowers but rather conspiracy theorists. Gym appeared to ignore this as well.

The hearing descended into a wildly chaotic garbage truck, with Jordan reportedly shouting at some Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Republicans do seem to have issues with finding quality whistleblowers. Perhaps this is because there are none?

In any event — it was another wasted day by swamp king Gym, another day squandered when Congress could have been working on this country’s problems and helping the American people. But King Swamp Creature Gym ruined that just as he ruins everything he touches. Please hurry up, HBO, and get that film out to the American people!

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