Jim Jordan falls flat

When the GOP retook the House by an underwhelming margin, it was obvious that they’d waste the next two years holding a bunch of sham investigations that no one outside of the former guy’s base could possibly care about. This is basically the only real power House Republicans have – aside from gutting a bunch of budget proposals.

With the latter, the White House has decided to fight them every step of the way wherever possible – deciding it’s better to highlight everything that the GOP is intent on killing, and make sure to have them on record saying it. When Republicans last took the House, they were able to gain traction in the media with their investigations that ultimately helped them – whether it was political fundraising off of actual tragedies or something they could hype up like the phony scandal about Secretary Clinton’s private email server.

This time, however, the investigations have largely been all foam and no beer. Republicans act as though shouting nefarious things can somehow will them into being. In fact, they’re backfiring since House Republicans can’t even do the basic protocol of requesting documents, and making the GOP look weak in the eyes of their voters.

Rep. Jim Jordan was hoping to avoid those mistakes on Thursday when he requested another hearing of his subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government when Rep. Stacey Plaskett immediately asked if he planned on using his time by ambushing Democratic colleagues with new information they weren’t given to review – an admission that he had basically no evidence whatsoever, and led to this hearing being an even bigger farce than the last. Let’s do everything we can to get our majority back in 2024 and end this clown show.

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