Jim Acosta just nailed it

I remember when I was at the beach and saw a gaggle of children who couldn’t behave. They were running amok, bumping into other beach-goers, screaming and yelling endlessly. Their parents sat them down and told them to stop. And they did. Everybody at the beach that day was able to return to sunbathing, relaxing in the hot sand, and just enjoying the breezy day at the ocean.

And that’s a good thing those parents did. Because sometimes when kids can’t behave, they need a stern talking to. They need to know that there are consequences to their actions. And on CNN, Jim Acosta knows this all too well. So he did what any rational adult would do. He gave the children a talking-to.

Never one to be subtle about it, Acosta ripped into Hannity, Kilmeade, and Ingraham. And he held nothing back. “Guys, you’ve been busted on your bullshit.” Nice one, Jim.

Saying they had been “caught red-handed,” Acosta proceeded to verbally rip them to pieces while a gleeful audience watched. I say gleefully because of the thousands of delighted Twitter users who later posted their thanks.

I do not fool myself into thinking this will change anything with the non-news Fox hosts. But it was nice to see them get called out. Acosta has repeatedly been a voice of reason and an extraordinary reporter, one of the best in the business.

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