Jerome Corsi goes off deep end after confirming plea deal negotiation with Robert Mueller

Jerome Corsi, the far-right loon who pushed the racist lie that President Obama was secretly born in Kenya, and has since become caught up in the Trump-Russia investigation for allegedly acting as a go-between for Roger Stone and WikiLeaks, confirmed yesterday that he’s now negotiating a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The trouble: he’s not acting like he’s negotiating a plea deal.

It all began last night, when Palmer Report noticed that Jerome Corsi’s Twitter account had begun retweeting one deranged conspiracy theory about Robert Mueller after another. This is not how you’re supposed to publicly behave toward a prosecutor when you’re negotiating a plea deal with that prosecutor. It’s a good way to get a worse plea deal. Corsi could literally be retweeting himself into a longer prison sentence. Yet Corsi hasn’t come out and said that he’s no longer negotiating a plea deal. So what gives?

As today has gone on, Jerome Corsi has continued to retweet conspiratorial garbage from his supporters, but it’s become more specific in nature. Corsi is pushing the notion that he can’t be prosecuted for anything because he’s a journalist, that Mueller is framing him, and that – naturally – President Obama was born in Kenya.

It’s becoming clear that, even while he’s negotiating a plea deal, Corsi is trying to fire up his supporters and get them to buy more of his books. Perhaps he plans to use the money to pay his legal bills, which can quickly pile up in a case like this, even with a swift plea deal. But we’ve already seen Mueller use George Papadopoulos’ deranged tweets against him in legal proceedings. All Corsi is doing here is running the risk of spending more time behind bars. If that’s how he wants to play this, so be it.

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