Jen Psaki just bulldozed Jim Jordan

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has shown time and again in the briefing room that she doesn’t suffer fools; instead she dismantles them for all to see. Meanwhile, Republican Congressman Jim Jordan has shown time and again that he’s a self righteous fraud who’s always lying, and whose “arguments” are always easily picked apart.

Jim Jordan tried to make the case today that President Biden’s economy is somehow a bad one because gas prices are higher now than they were a year ago. Of course Jordan conveniently omitted the context that the U.S. economy was in ruins a year ago due to Donald Trump’s disastrous mismanagement of the pandemic.

Jen Psaki was having none of it:

Meanwhile Democrat Jeff Sites, who is challenging Jim Jordan for his House seat in 2022, tweeted this in response to Jordan: “Jim Jordan thinks working people have forgotten what was going on in June 2020. Gas prices were down because people were driving less. Because Trump botched the response to the pandemic, tanking our economy and getting Americans killed. But sure. President Biden’s economy.”

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