Jared Kushner has a whole new problem

Even as Special Counsel Robert Mueller gears up to take his big swing at Donald Trump, there are also related criminal investigations ongoing into several members of Trump’s family. We went quite awhile without hearing Jared Kushner’s name, partly because he rarely speaks, and partly because so little has leaked about this aspect of the probe. But now Kushner has a whole new problem.

Based on the publicly available evidence, Jared Kushner is going to be charged with everything from conspiring with Russia against the United States, to allegedly selling White House leverage, to obstruction of justice. The last of the three might be the least severe, but it’s the quickest and easiest to prove, meaning that it’s the most likely to leave Kushner with no choice but to cut a plea deal against Trump. Enter Chris Christie.

In Chris Christie’s new book, he asserts that it was Jared Kushner who pushed Donald Trump to fire FBI Director James Comey, believing that it would bring an end to the Trump-Russia investigation. We’ve previously heard this same thing reported by various major news outlets. But those stories have always read like they were planted by Trump himself, perhaps in an effort to shift the blame off himself.

Now here’s Chris Christie also stating that Jared Kushner was the driving force behind the Comey firing. Christie seems to hate Trump and Kushner both, so there’s no reason to assume that Christie is merely saying this to try to help Trump. If what Christie is saying about Kushner is true, then it means that people in the White House have told him about it – which means those same people have probably already told Mueller the same thing.

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