Meet Joe Biden’s new Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She’s about to make Donald Trump’s life hell.

President elect Joe Biden has selected Janet Yellen for Secretary of the Treasury, per WSJ. Excellent pick. Former Fed Chair. Highly regarded. She’ll be the first woman Treasury Secretary in United States history.

Fun fact: Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has been single handedly (and illegally) defying a subpoena to turn over Trump’s tax returns. Once Janet Yellen is in place, we presume she’ll follow the law by handing over Trump’s tax returns immediately. Even if Yellen isn’t immediately confirmed, Mnuchin will be out the minute Biden is sworn in, and the resulting Acting Treasury Secretary would surely comply with the subpoena as well.

This means the House of Representatives, and the New York grand jury, will be getting their hands on every last inch of Trump’s tax returns that they’ve been seeking. Keep in mind that while the New York Times published a detailed analysis of Trump’s tax returns, it did not publish Trump’s actual tax returns.

Biden just keeps rolling out cabinet picks. Not only is it making him look Presidential, it’s having the effect of preventing Trump from getting as much media coverage for his dead-end Michigan stunt as he’d like to be getting right now.

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