It’s all fiction at this point

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The Washington Post is now ludicrously claiming that the Democrats are “desperate for a back-up plan to Biden.” This is based entirely on the media’s ongoing false claim that Biden is way behind in the polls. If you actually look up the 2024 polling averages, you’ll see that Biden and Trump are tied. So whether you think the polling is accurate or not, it’s plainly obvious that 1) Biden is not behind in the polls, and 2) There’s no basis for all this doomsday panic about Biden.

There’s obviously no one in the Democratic Party who’s “desperate for a back-up plan” to replace an incumbent President who’s tied for reelection a year out. But because the media has spent all month selling the fictional claim that Biden is way behind in the polls (once again he’s TIED), the media is now able to pile on with fictional stories about how the Democrats are desperately trying to replace Biden. It gets worse.

Now that the media has tricked the public into believing that Trump is ahead in the polls and likely to win in 2024, it’s also allowing the media to get ratings and clicks by hyping stories along the lines of “These are the awful things Trump will do when he’s back in power.” And the Trump campaign is playing directly into this hype by leaking all the awful things that Trump would do if he were back in power, so that the media has even more material for hyping the notion that Trump will absolutely win in 2024 and then do all these things.

Now that the media has managed to portray Biden as a total goner and Trump as a lock for 2024, it’s also allowing the media to portray the “Trump will be removed from the ballot under the 14th Amendment” narrative as the only thing that can possibly save us. Nevermind that the 14th Amendment movement is a dud that’s already lost in court in Minnesota and Colorado; facts like that don’t matter. And nevermind that Biden is likely to win reelection, given that he’s currently TIED in polling that’s skewed against him, and his opponent is about to go on criminal trial; again, facts like that don’t seem to matter.

At this point every inch of what we’re hearing about 2024 is straight up fiction. They’ve got Biden pegged as a goner, when he’s TIED in reelection polls. They’ve got the Democratic Party frantically trying to replace him, when that’s obviously not happening. They’ve got Trump pegged as a lock to win (even though he’s TIED in the polls and the deck is thoroughly stacked against him going forward). And they’re hyping silly magic wand ideas as the only way to stop an otherwise magically invincible Trump. And not one word of it is based in fact, truth, or reality.

Remember, this outright bullshit is not just coming from the likes of Fox News, it’s coming from every major political news outlet. There’s nothing happening yet with the 2024 election. It’s a non-story for now. And you can’t get ratings out of a non-story, so in the meantime the entire media has made up a wall to wall fictional version of 2024. It’s unbelievable how low the mainstream political media is sinking, in a desperate effort to boost short term ratings as it waits for the election cycle to heat up. The wall to wall fake news you’re reading about 2024 wouldn’t be out of place in the National Enquirer. And that’s just disturbing.

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