It was a good day

Here’s something we don’t get to say too often in this era: on the whole, yesterday was a good day. The tide of the Post Office battle turned firmly in our favor, and while there’s still plenty left to do, it’s now clear that Trump won’t get to just unilaterally manipulate the Post Office to suit his electoral whim. And for once, the primary storylines of the day weren’t about Trump.

For the second night in a row the Democratic National Convention was an uplifting, successful, and – considering the conditions – surprisingly coherent event. The two big stories of the day were that Colin Powell and Cindy McCain, two high profile Republicans, appeared at the convention to endorse Joe Biden. We also got to see living legend Jimmy Carter and his equally legendary wife Rosalynn Carter in action at the convention. And we got a wonderful speech from Dr. Jill Biden.

All that Donald Trump could do in response was to whine about how the spotlight wasn’t on him, which is a good thing in and of itself. These are still difficult times. Americans are still dying in the Trump pandemic. Even more Americans are struggling to feed their families in the Trump recession. But by 2020 standards, it was a good day – and we should take a moment to be thankful for that, and hopeful about what we might be able to achieve once we weather this storm.

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