How Joe Biden pulled it off

– President elect Joe Biden has succeeded in getting the GSA to back down and begin the transition. Consider how he got there. He didn’t angrily stomp his feet, which would have undercut his own leverage. He didn’t litigate against Emily Murphy, which could have caused her to dig in for a fight. Instead he merely kept calmly rolling out cabinet picks, as Murphy’s footing eroded. It’s how you use leverage to win. It’s why Biden is going to excel as President.
– Joe Biden has put John Kerry on the National Security Council. Donald Trump once put Steve Bannon on the National Security Council.
– So this presumably means we’ll end up getting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill after all.
– Fox News host Laura Ingraham just gave her own concession speech: “Unless the legal situation changes in dramatic and frankly an unlikely manner, Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th.”