House Republicans have no idea what they’re even trying to do at this point

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

The holidays are here! Well — almost. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. And soon, it will be once again the new year. And then there is Christmas. Christmas is a time of sparkling Christmas stress, food, festivity, and fun.

On the days leading up to Christmas, carols are sung. Little children lie awake at night, dreaming of actually seeing Santa for themselves as he shimmies down their chimneys.

So it is indeed a shame that rather than singing Christmas carols, republicans are celebrating this special holiday in another way — by promising to crash the US economy. Happy holidays everyone!

We all remember 2011 AND the crazed Tea party, who seemed determined to do everything they could to destroy Obama’s presidency. And many Republicans in the House are now openly talking about the “concessions” they want to raise the debt ceiling. Taking the government hostage is nothing new for republicans — it’s their staple.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had this to say: “America should not be held hostage by members of Congress who think it’s alright to compromise the credit rating of the United States and to threaten default on US Treasuries, which are the bedrock of global financial markets.”

Indeed, President Biden has warned about the ramifications of what could happen were republicans to take control of the House. Fortunately, we have a few things in our favor.

We have a President who is smart and knows what he’s doing. We also have many moderates in the House. Contrary to what the GOP wanted, they only have a minuscule majority. That doesn’t mean they won’t try, though. The GOP doesn’t care about the American people.

They care about getting what they want. And come Christmas, they won’t be singing “a Christmas carol. They will be plotting and scheming as traitors always do about how to make the American people suffer. And we must be ready for them.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.