Donald Trump has suffered several major blows in the last 24 hours. The biggest blow may have gotten overlooked.

Donald Trump has had such a horrible twenty-four hours, for so many different reasons, it’s almost difficult to keep track of them all without a checklist. He’s taken multiple bodyblows. He’s seen more than one of his criminal scandals significantly worsen. In all the chaos of yesterday and last night, Trump’s most potentially devastating loss during that period was overshadowed by some of the other, noisier storylines.

There’s no denying that Donald Trump is in huge trouble after CNN reported that Michael Cohen is willing to testify that he witnessed Trump signing off on Donald Trump Jr’s meeting at Trump Tower with representatives of the Russian government. That’s the textbook definition of Donald Trump colluding with Russia about the election. But a storyline with a more immediate legal impact surfaced just a few hours earlier, and it also happened to involve Donald Trump and Michael Cohen.

Even though Cohen is unofficially selling out Trump left and right, the Feds are still moving forward with their criminal case against Cohen until he actually cuts a plea deal. Yesterday we learned that one of the people mentioned on the leaked Trump-Cohen tape has now been subpoenaed to testify. That person is Allen Weisselberg, who has been handling the finances for the Trump Organization for a number of years. Weisselberg knows where all the proverbial bodies are buried when it comes to Donald Trump’s financial crimes. This is pandora’s box, and this subpoena opens it.

We’re now looking at the Feds obtaining insider testimony about every criminal real estate deal, financial scam, and illegal coverup that Donald Trump has engaged in through the Trump Organization. Trump’s financial “empire” has long been a house of cards and a thinly veiled front for corruption and money laundering – and this testimony could expose it for all to see.

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