Holy Toledo, Donald Trump is full of crap

After spending the weekend playing hooky on the golf course while having his handlers tweet generic platitudes on his behalf, Donald Trump the coward did today what he’d been dreading. He stood before the nation and reluctantly condemned the racists and white supremacists whose support he’s spent the past several years seeking. The thing is, Trump couldn’t come close to getting it right.

Remember when Donald Trump and his racist ilk used to make fun of President Obama for sometimes using a teleprompter? Since Trump took office, he’s routinely relied on a teleprompter whenever he’s had to give the kind of halfway-decent prepared speech that he could never come up with on his own.

Today, Trump not only relied on a teleprompter to mindlessly read what was supposed to have been a heartfelt speech, he somehow managed to say that one of the mass shootings happened in “Toledo” instead of Dayton. Trump and his handlers will likely begin leaking things to the media to try to blame each other for the teleprompter debacle. But this isn’t the first time this has happened. Last month Trump said that there were airports in the time of the Revolutionary War, while also reading from a teleprompter.

The bottom line is that Donald Trump didn’t mean a single one of the prepared, mangled words he delivered today. Racists and white supremacists are his core support base and always have been. The fact that he had to throw them slightly under the bus today is a sign that Trump truly is worried that these shootings are going to turn the American middle thoroughly against him. That’s before getting to Trump’s near-constant sniffing throughout his speech today.

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